Friday 30 October 2015

The SA80 carbine....and other SA80 rambling.

When the SA80 came to design in the seventies,it was envisioned that it would be a single caliber family of weapons that would replace the multitude of different weapons in a infantry platoon. As well as easing the logistical nightmare of the platoon Sargent by tying all platoon weapons under one caliber. 

Don't ask me what there plan for the beloved gimpy was because I've no idea. 

So initially the SA80 was not a great weapon. But that's another story. With the increase of operations in the post gulf war era several capbadges were reporting that the rifle variant of the SA80 wasn't ideal for their role. In the past three previous attempts had been made to create a carbine SA80 but all three had been shelved in the post options for change military. 

So when the demand for carbines reached Whitehall the army created the initial weapons from surplus LSW's while choosing the 1989 carbine concept seen below. 
Initial fielding was primarily with tank crews and pilots for out of wagon contacts. Price harry himself carried one on his second tour due to his role as a army aviator in a Apache. 
However the carbine has found its way into the hands of dog handlers and combat camera teams on operation HERRICK. And most notably 43 commando RM formerly the fleet protection group. The size was judged to be ideal for boarding operation and the increased caliber of 5.56 offered the added stopping power. However it should be noted 43 commando have been recently seen carrying diemaco C8 carbines recently.

To finish the SA80 carbine is a unique addition to the family of weapons as it dispels the myths that the SA80 family lacks modularity. With the evolution of the weapon systems through internal improvements to the A2 and A3 variants as well as new sights, magazines and hand guards the SA80 is finally beginning to shake of the negative image created by keyboard commandos and pissed of crusty Cold War warriors pining for their SLR's. I've used this weapon for seven years and I like it. But haters gonna hate. 

And furthermore maybe a dog handler attatched to Hereford will do a bit for the carbines reputation. 

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