Monday 10 August 2015

Monday motivation 2: Grace under pressure.

Who's the handsome chap in the uniform some of you may be asking. Well that's Ernest Hemingway. The greatest literary mind of the 20th century. 

If you haven't read any hemmingway,I suggest you should. It will expand your mind and any girl who doesn't like a guy who reads the classics is lying! 

Hemmingway was rejected by the U.S. Army on medical grounds. Did he let stop him from getting in the war? Fuck no! Hemmingway joined the Italian Red Cross and tended to the wounded and was himself wounded by a Austrian mortar. All of this is delved into with greater detail in "a farewell to arms". From his time in WW1 hemmingway got a taste for war. He reported on the Greco -Turkish war as well as the spanish civil war. 

After years of hard drinking and a tumultuous marriage or two he set his sight on reporting on the liberation of Europe. Teaming up with the forth infantry division hemmingway stayed on the frontline until this journalist did something crazy. Hemmingway created and led his own unit of the French resistance. 

This is just the story of one man. A journalist. Think about who you are! Hemmingway saw more action than most men in their life time. Just because you were born a man doesn't make you one. Your actions on your time in this world dictate how you will have your life spent. Will you be a hemmingway? Or will you be joe crowbag on the street with nothing to offer? The choice is yours. Better yourself physically at the gym. Better yourself mentally by reading the right books. Train yourself hard and surround yourself with like minded individuals and not anchors around your neck you have rescue at every tiny drama in their lives. Be who you have always wanted to be. Me? I'll be a hemmingway. Who you are is your choice. 

Until next time. Better yourself. And conduct yourself with grace under pressure. 

Gladius actual out. 

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