Saturday 29 August 2015

Review: Odin systems command panel.

As a commander your going to be carrying a fair few extra items. Compass, lumi pens and maps etc. there are several solution to carrying all your extra items, but what if your carrying them whilst wearing osprey body armour? Some may argue that the issued command pouch that comes with the osprey pouch set may be good enough. I disagree. I personally feel that extra space is needed for this mission essential kit, this is stuff you can't sling in your daysack and fanny around getting later. It need to be front and centre at less than a arms reach. That's why I feel the Odin systems command panel offers you the best solution for keeping that kit right where it needs to be.

First of all lets talk about the pouch itself. The material is military spec genuine Crye multicam fabric  and is berry compliant. The outside of the pouch includes a large multicam Velcro part that gives you ample room for placing your patches on. Furthermore there is three rows of MOLLE for mounting any patches you want on the exterior. On the rear the MOLLE loops are secured by Velcro tabs that folds back on the final loop on the patch, totally getting rid of the nightmare or poppers coming undone when your moving.

 When you open the command panel I'm sure like myself you will be astounded by the sheer amount of real estate on offer internally. Inside you'll find a series of MOLLE rows sewn in for organising such things as your pens and keeping secure and kit you need to tie down. Behind those there is a large open pocket against the rear, I find this a great solution for where to store my haribo and cigarettes! But it has more than enough space to hold your notebooks and crib cards and TAMs.

One of the unique aspects of this command panel is the Inbuilt waterproof map case. The laminate on it is totally waterproof and can hold a small tactical or a well folded map. Underneath the map case you'll find a small waterproof pouch that I've used to contain my section ORBAT within, these are very simple ideas that the guys and girls at Odin tactical have refined and perfected to give the soldier in the field just what they need to keep what they need secure and in the right place.

My final thoughts on this command panel are that I'm happy as hell to be using this! It's construction is solid and robust and the use of actual multicam fabrics will stop you looking chippy and will last a long time regardless of where you take it and what you put it through. If your thinking of buying a command panel I highly recommend this one, this one can't be beaten on price right now! It works perfectly with osprey and you'll be future proofing yourself when VIRTUS comes into service. So go check out the guys at Odin tactical I'll leave the website below. And if your at otterburn camp go check out there shop.

Monday 24 August 2015

Blog update.

Hey one and all just a quick post to keep you updated on what's going on. I know I've promised a few reviews on kit that hasn't nesscicarily been forthcoming. I apologize for this its for two main reasons. 

Firstly I suffered a pretty bad knee injury recently that's stopped me from doing any form of excercise. Which leads into my second point that I haven't had the ability to field test much of the gear because of this and the fact my abilities to test are few as my current unit is pretty static. 

I'm going to try and remedy this ASAP God willing I'll have the reviews I promised plus a few more in a week or two. 

Thursday 20 August 2015

Knives: a personal thing, but essential kit.

Weather you are camping,fishing or soldiering in the field or on operations a decent knife is a must have. This isn't really a article about what's best for a fighting knife. It's more of a personal insight into a specific knife I have used in the past that I see as a good all rounder. 

The knife in question is the Glock fighting knife. This knife for a fixed blade is in my humble opinion is the Rolls Royce of knives. Let's start with the price I bought it four years ago from UKMC in Portsmouth for £24.99 and that's still the price today! The handle and case are of polymer construction and come in tan, black and green. The blade is adonized in black and has two options for having a saw on the blade or not. I chose the saw feature as I was planning to use this in Kenya a few weeks later. Furthermore a handy little feature is a bottle opener in the hand guard which is useful for the pop sold in the CSM's clacky wagon. There has only been one down side to this knife and that's the scabbard. Fixing it to a beltkit or a MOLLE system is pretty hard. But I'm sure if you find a MOLLE knife sleeve from a other maker it will fit like a dream. 

In conclusion I feel if your looking for that good all round field knife for a decent price, you should consider the Glock combat knife. Get it from UKMC in Portsmouth as I haven't found a cheaper one online. And if this isn't the knife for you they have a ton of others that may pick your interest. 

Gladius actual out.

Monday 10 August 2015

Monday motivation 2: Grace under pressure.

Who's the handsome chap in the uniform some of you may be asking. Well that's Ernest Hemingway. The greatest literary mind of the 20th century. 

If you haven't read any hemmingway,I suggest you should. It will expand your mind and any girl who doesn't like a guy who reads the classics is lying! 

Hemmingway was rejected by the U.S. Army on medical grounds. Did he let stop him from getting in the war? Fuck no! Hemmingway joined the Italian Red Cross and tended to the wounded and was himself wounded by a Austrian mortar. All of this is delved into with greater detail in "a farewell to arms". From his time in WW1 hemmingway got a taste for war. He reported on the Greco -Turkish war as well as the spanish civil war. 

After years of hard drinking and a tumultuous marriage or two he set his sight on reporting on the liberation of Europe. Teaming up with the forth infantry division hemmingway stayed on the frontline until this journalist did something crazy. Hemmingway created and led his own unit of the French resistance. 

This is just the story of one man. A journalist. Think about who you are! Hemmingway saw more action than most men in their life time. Just because you were born a man doesn't make you one. Your actions on your time in this world dictate how you will have your life spent. Will you be a hemmingway? Or will you be joe crowbag on the street with nothing to offer? The choice is yours. Better yourself physically at the gym. Better yourself mentally by reading the right books. Train yourself hard and surround yourself with like minded individuals and not anchors around your neck you have rescue at every tiny drama in their lives. Be who you have always wanted to be. Me? I'll be a hemmingway. Who you are is your choice. 

Until next time. Better yourself. And conduct yourself with grace under pressure. 

Gladius actual out. 

Monday 3 August 2015

Monday motivation 1.

General James 'mad dog' Mattis is a example for all leaders. Throughout his forty year career he was a tenacious combat leader and always took care of his men. He also gained the nickname 'the warrior monk' as he has never married and owns a breathtaking amount of military books. He was one of the first officers who created a required reading list for his men. If you are a leader in anyway shape or form military,civil,sports or other. Learn from mad dog, be the best leader you can be. 

Keep reading and keep thinking. 

Gladius actual out.