Monday 1 June 2015

Blue DPM for BATUS enemy.

Whilst in my local paper shop I had a peruse at this month copy of combat and survival. This cover immediately caught my eye as it showed a British soldier using The old DPM pattern on the PCD uniform in a interesting shade of blue. 

On further investigation I found out this was being issues to the battlegroup that plays enemy forces at the British army training unit suffield in Canada. To create a distinct enemy identity on the prairie. 

From my personal experience playing enemy we generally used to use desert DPM which was great in the summer but shite in the winter. So as much as some people see this as needless expense when cash is tight in the forces. But I can see the merit of providing the enemy a decent uniform for the conditions of Canada, whilst the enemy are cutting their own detail munching pasties and digging in hilariously loud. 

Until next time. 

Gladius actual out.

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