Thursday 18 June 2015

Tactical gear from the Holy land. The Agilite tactical advanced ammo pouch.

I'm proud to announce our first review will be of a Agilite tactical advanced ammunition pouch. The Agilite company is a Israeli equipment manufacturers based in tel aviv and has been providing kit to Israeli defense force personnel including special forces. 

The pouch itself comes in a few camouflage patterns such as ATACS FG and AU, OD green, coyote tan and of course multicam. For a ammunition pouch this is light years ahead.

A commander with this on his beltkit can still carry three mags which are held securely as well as a small amount of command kit in a totally unique fold down panel built into the pouch. As well as this totally amazing feature the pouch comes with a multi tool holder on a small side pouch attatched to the main body of the ammunition pouch. Furthermore there are elastic loops on the opposite side for glow sticks or even a maglite. 

My final observations is this pouch would be ideal for a junior NCO to mount on his battle belt. Whilst still carrying your ammunition you can carry a minimum of command kit in the laminated panel, so there's no need to search through a ton of crib cards for the most import ones such as a nine liner of frequency changes and grids. 

The pouch itself is solid in construction with berry compliant multicam cordura. And has been designed by a company who knows what they are on about. For more information please check out

This was my first review and I hope to do more of these in the future. Maybe with some more exotic kit from companies such as Agilite or perhaps someone closer to home like jay jays of Brecon. 

Stay fighting and keep thinking.

Gladius actual out.

AR-15's it's like Barbie for men.

Just before I begin the first review here on Gladius tactical on a Agilite advanced ammo pouch, I'd thought I'd add this major bit of gear porn for you guys.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Review coming soon. Agilite advanced ammo pouch.

I'm proud to announce the first review for gladius tactical will be the Agilite tactical advanced ammo pouch. I'm in contact with Agilite and the guys there are all ex IDF including special forces, so they really know stuff.

For more information on Agilite please visit

Tuesday 9 June 2015

If I could pull of a vest.....

If I could pull of a vest, I would without doubt buy this great offering from Operator as fuck nation. If you've not heard of OAF nation I emplore you to check out the site. It's full of great stuff in a effort to bring global war of terror veterans together. So if there are any of you gym god OP HERRICK veterans I suggest you get this. 

Gladius tactical out.

One for us geeks.

So much Tacticool. I'd love to see the face of anyone if you rocked up in this ensemble. Now I'm tempted to see if there are any Mandalorian morale patches out there.

Gladius actual out.

Monday 1 June 2015

Blue DPM for BATUS enemy.

Whilst in my local paper shop I had a peruse at this month copy of combat and survival. This cover immediately caught my eye as it showed a British soldier using The old DPM pattern on the PCD uniform in a interesting shade of blue. 

On further investigation I found out this was being issues to the battlegroup that plays enemy forces at the British army training unit suffield in Canada. To create a distinct enemy identity on the prairie. 

From my personal experience playing enemy we generally used to use desert DPM which was great in the summer but shite in the winter. So as much as some people see this as needless expense when cash is tight in the forces. But I can see the merit of providing the enemy a decent uniform for the conditions of Canada, whilst the enemy are cutting their own detail munching pasties and digging in hilariously loud. 

Until next time. 

Gladius actual out.